Commander Marcia Ann Kuehl
Welcome to California District 2 - I am looking forward to working with each of you as we continue to accomplish our mission - working with our veterans, our military, and our local communities.
Our website just came up and the webmasters are updating the information - Please send any dates you want included on the calendar, photos for the slide shows or input to be included to the webmaster - FLYERS will be posted on FB as well!!!
Hope all of you had a great summer - - - Let's be pro-active and have a great year -
A satirical reflection by Author/Artist Phil Fehrenbacher
Phil enlisted in the Army in 1965 where you served for years in Vietnam. He became a graphic designer and has worked for the state of Oregon for 26 years. He retired in 2003 and started the Cartoon "In-Country". The cartoons reflect his experiences during his tour of duty in South Vietnam.
There is a new cartoon everyday.