Following is information from the 125th VFW National Convention held in Louisville, KY, July 27 to August 1, 2024.
The combined list of results of National Convention report of the By-Laws and Resolution Committee is here.

The proposed National By-Law amendments that were voted on are here.
The proposed National Manual of Procedure amendments that were voted on are here.
The proposed National Ritual amendments that were voted on are here.
The list of proposed resolutions, titles only, that were voted on is here.
The list of series 200 resolutions, Finance and Internal Organization, full content, that were voted on is here.
The list of series 300 resolutions, General, full content, that were voted on is here.
The list of series 400 resolutions, National Security and Foreign Affairs, full content, that were voted on is here.
The list of series 600 resolutions, Veterans Service, full content, that were voted on is here.